Summer Travel + Heels?

Travel is another passion of mine as well as shoes.  I can't get enough of learning about cultures, ways of life, how others grow up compared to myself, what's considered cool, and the list goes on...I've listed the top 5 cities I have traveled to and the heels out now that I would pair for a trip there. Ohh Greece, how I miss thee!

8 Best Mules Out Now!

Ever wanted to try out mules?  Well, they are coming back and now is the time! Finally I feel like the trend slowly making a big appearance and is going to be the next big thing for heels in upcoming seasons. Listed here are 8 of the top mule styles I've seen currently out now, and at all different price points. 

12 Best Air Jordan Vine Videos

I love Vine because people are so creative and and they deliver me a daily dose of good laughs. I've noticed lately that some Viners have taken to using all the stereotypes and crazy ideals that come with Jordan's to make some great videos, and I've compiled the best/funniest ones here... 

April '14 Shoe Lover :: Vali

A big voice in a petite body with long, pink braided hair is how I remembered this R&B singer named Vali. I loved her big voice, her sass, and her original style. Now I get to show you guys her sweetness along with her love for both heels and sneakers in our April Shoe Lover feature! Plus, more info on her new single with Wiz Khalifa..